Since this site started in November 2000, I’ve focused pretty much on SBS as it’s been the core product that I’ve built solutions around. It’s been that way now for many many years. However over the last few years, you’ve seen that I’ve expanded the scope of the site a little more and I’ve covered other topics including things such as Cloud Services, Essential Business Server and even non Microsoft solutions such as TrendMicro, StorageCraft and BackupAssist. That’s been pretty much inline with the space that I’ve been living in and servicing.
Shortly, I’ll be making some changes to this site. Whilst the domain name of will stay, it no longer will be about Small Business Server Frequently Asked Questions. It will be all about Small Business Solutions & Frequently Asked Questions. It’s not just a change of name either.
Why the change I hear you ask? Well honestly, it’s about the fact that there’s a lot more to the Small Business Solutions I’ve been out there implementing than JUST the server. Sometimes there’s no need for a central server now with Cloud solutions. Likewise, given I’ve typically written about more than just SBS over the last few years, therefore I figure it’s both timely and fitting to make the change.
I’m also planning to open up the blog and have guest bloggers giving their view on their particular area of expertise. Things that will be covered in more detail soon will include Office 365, Intune and other upcoming products from various vendors. That however is just the start of the things I have in mind.
In all this, I’m planning not to alter the URLs that people have come to use and reference. I know from experience that changing the structure of the website can be painful for you, and that given that many people come to me via Google and Bing, that it’s so very important to ensure that the content is just as easy to find as it has been in the past.
So – here’s to a new era in – thanks as always for your readership, comments and contributions. I look forward to catching up with you at group meetings, conferences and wherever I travel.
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