A question from a fellow SBS MVP today made me realise that I'd not posted here about the fact that you can add a Recycle Bin to SBS's Companyweb even while it's running Sharepoint Services v2.0. http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/05/02/RecycleBinforWSS/default.aspx Alternate methods also exist to recover information from Companyweb such as restoring the site from … [Read more...]
SBS2000 to 2003 Upgrades – a checklist for success
Ok - my preference for installations of SBS2003 is to do a totally fresh installation. However there are times when this is not possible due to budget contraints or time limitations. I've had two such customer scenarios this week that needed to have the inplace done, one for budget reasons, and the other for time constraints. So we've used the inplace upgrade method. Before … [Read more...]
What exclusions should I use for Antivirus software with SBS 2003?
This question is asked regardless of the AV software that you use. Below I've compiled the standard exclusions that you should use for SBS 2003. These are the ones that we use on our clients. Server Folder Exclusions The exclusions listed here should be applied to your SBS server, and where applicable to other servers that host similar applications in your domain. … [Read more...]
Should I use the /3GB switch in my boot.ini with SBS 2003?
This discussion has been going for many years now and at times has almost reached epic proportions due to the conflicting information available from Microsoft. Recently the SBS MVPs were in a conference with the SBS CSS team and we raised just how confusing this was for the average person. In response one of the leads for the CSS team - Mark Stanfill has posted the … [Read more...]
How does Remote Web Workplace work?
The attached article is one I wrote some time back now. Since then I also wrote Chapter 8 in the SMB Nation Press book Advanced SBS 2003 Best Practices. You may find that this gives a fair understanding on how RWW works and the ports needed to be open for it. … [Read more...]