I was approached by the good people at Stellar and given the opportunity to review their Stellar Toolkit for Exchange some time ago. Due to various delays I've not been able to do so until now. They provided me with a 10 mailbox license so that I could test out the product in real world … [Continue Reading]

New Teams Preview – Missing ability to add tabs to a Team
Following on from yesterdays post, I've discovered another key feature I use that is missing from the Teams Preview. The feature is the ability to add extra tabs to a given team/channel. In the older Teams Client as you can see below, there's the + sign that you can use to add extra content to a given … [Continue Reading]

MS Exchange Zero Day and RemotePowerShell Disabling on Admin accounts
In the last week, Microsoft have published about a significant zero day vulnerability in Exchange Server - you can read about it here. This … {Continue Reading]

Setup changes for Exchange 2016 and Exchange 2019
In April 2022, Microsoft released the latest CU for both Exchange 2016 (CU 23) and Exchange 2019 (CU 12). Microsoft have the release notes for … {Continue Reading]

SBS 2008 Fast Shutdown Script
This script is used to shutdown SBS 2008 faster. For more information check this FAQ SBS2008FastDown.cmd … [Continue Reading]

SBS 2008 Disk Cleanup Tool
This tool clears up unneeded log files in SBS 2008. For more information check this FAQ SBS2008DiskCln.cmd … [Continue Reading]

Robocopy for Vista SP1
Latest Robocopy from Windows Vista SP1 robocopy.exe … [Continue Reading]