Yes November is over and I feel somewhat relieved. It s been a mad month this month but I ve got to say that I ve really enjoyed it a lot. I ve visited Sydney, Melbourne, and Perth once each. Brisbane twice and Adelaide three times (twice this week alone).
I ve presented / trained many people on SBS 2008 and EBS 2008. I ve done two webcasts, one to the entire channel and another for Dell to bring them up to speed. I ve also done a heap of training sessions one on one with some of the largest OEMs, Distributors and Partners here in Australia.
In conjunction with HP, Kaseya and Citrix, Robbie and I have visited all the Aussie SBS / SMB IT Professional groups around Australia to do a launch of SBS and EBS and to answer heaps of pent up questions.
I ve also had my first two articles written and published by CRN Australia which was a major thing for me. I enjoy writing and being able to get my thoughts out there via the media to help others understand things better is something of an achievement for me.
All up, I ve got to say that I am exhausted. Through all this though I see some amazing potential not just for SBS 2008, but also some massive potential for EBS 2008 which is set to kick some serious butt out there in the community.
I also want to say Thank you to Robbie Upcroft for his support of the Aussie SMB IT Professional community. Without his support, SBS would not be nearly as successful here in Australia as it is. Without his support, EBS will NOT be as successful as I believe it can be.
I ll be taking a break too from December 12th going on a well deserved family vacation to Thailand, France, England and Wales. I ll be taking a total break during this time and won t be responding to any email during that time either (my computer is being forcibly removed from me).
Thanks everyone for a great month. Looking forward to an exciting 2009 and what it holds for us all. will have some exciting announcements in the new year that I know will help everyone in the community.
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