I’ve configured my internal domain as company.com despite Microsoft’s best practices suggesting I call it company.local and now when I attempt to go to our externally hosted website atwww.company.com I get 404 errors. The website works just fine if I connect to it from the outside world. How can I resolve this?
In order to do this you need to add an A record to your internal DNS server on SBS2000 or SBS2003. To do this use the following process.
1. Start the DNS Management console by Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > DNS
2. Drill down into the SERVERNAME, then Forward Lookup Zones and then your domain name.
3. Right click the domain name folder and select New Host from the menu
4. Enter www into the Name box
5. Enter the external IP of the website as provided by your ISP or web hosting company and click Add Host
You should now be able to access your external website located at your ISP.
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