Each year at Christmas, I buy myself something small just for me. This year, I decided it was time for a new watch. I’ve been thinking about it for a while, but I wanted a watch that did more than just tell the time. Last week while onsite, one of my customers (also a fellow geek gadget guy) showed me his new watch. It was an iPod Nano combined with a wrist band.
Naturally this is more than a watch. It’s also a music player, voice recorder, radio and a fitness tracker as well. All available via the touch screen. Whats more is that it’s also a USB drive too which means you can literally carry special information around with you. Very cool. I bought mine from Dick Smith Electronics – they have a special on right now that includes the watch band. You can also buy alternate watch bands as well from many places – here’s one of them that I’ve gotten mine from iwatchz.
So if you are looking for that last minute geek gift, have a look at this – very cool.
Have a great Christmas everyone. I’ll be taking a few days off so the blog will be quiet till the new year. Happy 2011.
Greg Lipschitz says
Very cool Wayne – I saw these a few weeks ago on a US website.
Merry Christmas to you and yours 🙂
Mike H says
Very Cool – except you need to ‘watch’ out (sorry for the pun) that you don’t get it wet. iPod nano has a built in pedometer function and my daughter found out to her horror that when you sweat a lot during exercise your iPod gets wet and then gives a boot screen failure! Currently trying the ‘pack it in rice’ trick to see if it dries out and works again.
Wayne Small says
Good point Mike – will watch out for that little trick 🙂