I had the above error this week whilst configuring BackupAssist on one of my servers. I use different products all the time and right now I’m playing around with BackupAssist to see what it can do for me that other products can’t.
This server is my HP Microserver that I’m using with Windows Storage Server 2008 R2 Essentials.
I want to use BackupAssist to test out the Archival File Sync capabilities at this point. I configured a job and ran it, but it failed with the error of “BA703 Specified file selection doesn’t exist”.
I was lazy, so I sent the information to support as detailed in this blog post here. They came back with the suggestion that the issue was due to a conflict between the StorageCraft ShadowProtect VSS provider and the Microsoft VSS provider – a perfectly valid solution given I had ShadowProtect installed on this system. Even though it was not backing up at the same time, apparently when the backup is called by BackupAssist it will default to use the StorageCraft VSS provider instead of the Microsoft one as I believe that StorageCraft have set theirs to be the default VSS provider for any application that calls VSS.
Anyway – the solution is easily worked around using the BackupAssist KB article here http://kb.backupassist.com/articles.php?aid=2725
Long story short – modify how open files are handled below by removing the selection to use the Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service and we’re good to go. It only affects this job itself and not other jobs.
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BackupAssist – BA703 Specified file selection doesn’t exist
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Doug Mortensen says
I have other backup software running on servers where ShadowProtect exists with its VSS writer. BackupAssist is the only program I’ve seen with this problem. Thanks for the blog post. This fixed the problem for my customer.