Aside from this website there are a huge number of different ways to get free help from the community. Here I list a number of them along with some of the “rules or guidelines” for being involved with them.
Community Blogs – These are the top blogs in the SMB IT world and really should be watched if you want to keep up with what’s going on in this space. You can get access to the blogs via a web browser and then subscribe to their RSS feeds to watch for regular updates.
Community Forums – Forums are a different approach to getting support where you can post questions and get answers via specific web based forums. Many forums require registration and some require payment to be part of them. By and large most forums are generally very worthwhile for their content and each has its’ own “character”
Community Sites – There are many different websites that contain loads of good information on SBS, EBS and other Microsoft SMB products. I’ve assembled quite a few of them here in an effort to make it easier for you to get answers fast.
Mailing Lists – Mailing lists allow you to get support via email only. Here are a number that I’m involved with and provide great value. Again each has its’ own character. I recommend that after joining a mailing list that you lurk a little and see how people interact before jumping in asking question after question.
Social Media – Without a doubt Social Media is one of the ways of the future in terms of communication amongst people. You can follow me on twitter @sbsfaq This section gives you an overview of some of the key people in the SMB space that you might want to follow and also the hash tags of various events. In addition I’ve listed various facebook fan pages and groups and linkedin groups that are relevant to us