You go against all the good advice that Microsoft offer when they design the product and you don t even care enough for your clients well being to heed advice given by others. Such is the case of some people who believe that they can put the Hyper-V role ONTO the main SBS 2008 server and still make it work. Susan Bradley has a great blog post here on the issues that occur when you put the Hyper-V role on your SBS 2008 server. She is doing this as a demonstration of just what NOT to do. She is trying to document the brain dead things that people will try to do and fail in the hope that they might actually read.
However, I can t help but notice that one of the comments on her blog come from someone who seems hell bent on bending the SBS 2008 product beyond it s design constraints. Furthermore he not only wants to install Hyper-V ON the SBS 2008 server itself, but then wants to install ISA in one of the guest partitions. What kind of insanity is that? How will he get support from Microsoft when things go wrong? I sure hope he is joking and not doing this for real.
Furthermore I am seeing and hearing of people deploying SBS 2008 in live customer environments without even having installed it in a virtual test environment themselves. Stories of people doing LIVE migrations for the first time, also without doing any reading of the documentation before the start. These people all then point the finger at Microsoft for not having given them all the answers.
Why the hell would you do this for a clients server? Why would you do this for ANYTHING production quality and expect it to work? Why did you not do your homework and test it out first so you have an idea on what would go wrong?
Answer because you are an idiot. You have no concern for the clients business at all. You are the scum that makes the true IT Professional look bad. You are the used car salesman of the IT industry.
I am looking forward to the current economic woes of the world, because this in itself should weed out these types of people, force them out of business hopefully for good. These words sound harsh, yes. I m tired of hearing people blame the product, Microsoft and anything else that moves without taking responsibility for their own freaking actions.
well said mate! This is why I started my SBS users group so many years ago just before the first SMBNation conference. I wanted to help my local “competition” do SBS the right way so I didn’t have to keep cleaning up their messes. Now we have a great community and we all help each other, and i’m not the only one fixing broken SBS servers any more 🙂 When you go in and fix one, the customer really appreciates being able to use the product as it was intended and you get a customer for life out of it. A great feeling!
Ah Wayne, if only there were some good books out there on SBS 2008…. oh wait, there are! And people are still idiots for not reading them. In the words of the movie Caddyshack, “The world needs ditch diggers too.” I hope that’s what happens to those folks (before they ruin customer sites). The sad thing is that they’ll still blame Microsoft in the end and SBS 2008 will just get another black eye.
I have to agree with you on this, Wayne. We’ve been seeing all sorts of things in the newsgroups from people who simply don’t GET it. SBS 2008 is NOT simply the next version of SBS 2003. It’s a whole new ballgame. It’s a new architecture (x64), new capabilities (fully supported virtualized) and a _lot_ of new ways of doing things. And installing it isn’t a simple “upgrade”. It’s a complicated and tricky migration that requires planning and forethought. And it should _never_ be done the first time on a production system, especially a client’s.
To add in refusing to understand the very real reasons why Hyper-V is NOT SUPPORTED as a role on SBS 2008 is just, as you say, idiocy. There are a lot of ways to leverage Hyper-V for SBS 2008, but all of them start with a plain, empty, Parent Partition that has nothing but Hyper-V in it – either the standalone Hyper-V Server, or a Windows Server 2008 running only the Hyper-V Role (and any additional features needed for basic management, such as Windows Backup.)
I see from the last post that there might be times when its ok to use Hyper-V with SBS2008? Could you clarify?
I’m playing with a test server at the moment, documenting things as I go so I have my own personal setup process that suits the needs I have; One of those needs is virtualisation, so I can run a few virtual machines to do specific jobs;
What I want to know is, if Installing Hyper-V as a role in SBS 2008 is unsupported and a terrible idea, why is that role available at all? It’s right there in the SBS 2008 UI!