This is in no way an official poll at all, but I thought it might be fun to see what people thought the next version of SBS should be called.
a Wayne Small website
This is in no way an official poll at all, but I thought it might be fun to see what people thought the next version of SBS should be called.
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matt landis says
hey, how about SBS +Cloud 2010? 😉 since cloud needs to be in every conversation lately…
Paul says
How about SBA 2011 (Small Business Advantage)
Bill says
“Fun while it lasted” we’ve moved to the cloud 😉
Dave Phillips says
I want it to be designed for IT Pro’s. Let non technical businesses use the cloud. I want a product that I can istall, customise and support with on site hardware. I want it to support a mobile workforce (70% notebooks)but management of several of my clients ar 60+ and they want to know that their data is on their backup device. They also would like Rights Mangement features (not that they use those words)- they just want to be able to prevent ex employees from taking data with them.
If it is based on Server 2008 then SBS 2008 R2 works for me. If it has a different feature base then a new name – SMB Business Server 2011 would make sense. Up the user limit to 150 or even 250, keep it on a single hardware layer but allow application virtualisation so that there is no need to reboot the whole server to make a change in Exchange for example.