The following paths are the commands used to define the source and installation strings for the applications on SBS2000. In the examples below replace SMALLSVR1 with your server name.
Internet Explorer
Windows 9X Path
\\SMALLSVR1\ClientApps5\IE5\ie5setup.exe /C:”ie5wzd /s:””#e”” /M:1 /Q”
Windows NT Path
\\SMALLSVR1\ClientApps5\IE5\ie5setup.exe /C:”ie5wzd /s:””#e”” /M:1 /Q”
Windows 2000 Patch
Blank (I assume this is due to Ie5 being part of W2K already)
Modem Sharing Client
Windows 9X Path
\\SMALLSVR1\MpClients\Win9X\setup.exe -s
Windows NT Path
Windows 2000 Path
\\SMALLSVR1\MpClients\Win2K\netsetupWin2K.exe -c client -a upgrade -i\\SMALLSVR1\MpClients\Win2K\netsrdr.inf -q
Microsoft Shared Fax Client
Windows 9X Path
\\SMALLSVR1\FaxClients\setup.exe /wait /V”PRINTER_NAME=\\SMALLSVR1\SharedFax APPLAUNCHER=TRUE REBOOT=ReallySupress /qb”
Windows NT Path
\\SMALLSVR1\FaxClients\setup.exe /wait /V”PRINTER_NAME=\\SMALLSVR1\SharedFax APPLAUNCHER=TRUE ALLUSERS=1 REBOOT=ReallySupress /qb”
Windows 2000 Path
\\SMALLSVR1\FaxClients\setup.exe /wait /V”PRINTER_NAME=\\SMALLSVR1\SharedFax APPLAUNCHER=TRUE ALLUSERS=1 REBOOT=ReallySupress /qb”
Microsoft Firewall Client
Windows 9X Path
\\SMALLSVR1\mspclnt\setup /wait /v”reboot=reallysuppress /qb”
Use the same installation path for all operating systems
Outlook 2000 SR1
Windows 9X Path
\\SMALLSVR1\ClientApps5\Outlook2000SR1\setup.exe /qb Reboot=ReallySuppress /wait
Use the same installation path for all operating systems
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