Today, I’m pleased to announce the release of my Trend Micro WFBS 6.0 Visual Guide.
This visual guide for Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security 6.0 will get you up and running in less than an hour while incorporating leading best practices to secure your network environment from malware. This guide is packed with time saving solutions, troubleshooting tips and workarounds for SBS 2003, SBS 2008, Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2.
- Easily install and configure Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security
- Apply best practices for preventing malware infection into your network
- Quick tips on working around common problems
This book is available as a PDF version.
You can purchase the book from the online store – here
As an introductory offer, if you use the discount code of LAUNCH2010, you will get a discount of 10% off the normal price of the book but only if you purchase before midnight on July 18th… that’s 1 week from now.
Subscribers to our newsletter and past recipients of the Trend CSM 3.6 Guide will have already received and additional discount over and above the 10% mentioned above. See – I told you it would be worthwhile being a newsletter subscriber 🙂
Hi there Everyone…
I know… I’m a Trend employee… what else am I going to say, other than BRILLIANT!
Wayne has produced something here which we at Trend are simply unable to do… a real-life, dirty hands, from the field, step-by-step instructional on how to install WFBS v6 with the best efficiency in a real world environment.
Well done Wayne, and congratulations on another quality product to help your peers.
Thanks Kieran for the kind words – hope others get value out of it as well.
Hi Kieran,
Please do the customer base a favour and have Trend Micro buyout the guide from Wayne and publish it to your support site.
Knowing Wayne it will be a very valuable document. However, a useful installation and support guide for WFBS is something which should come with the product and not require something external.
Maybe I’m missing something though??? 🙂
Paul Dengate
Dingbat Technology
Thanks Paul – I’ll happily consider offers with large numbers of zeros before the decimal point 🙂
this form is not working!!
this form is maybe not working if you forget the ‘http://’ ?
The guide is very interesting! And in the case you are beginner of using this product it is very usefull.
But in the case you have all ready experience for a while then this document is not really needed. I found a couple of new settings in the document. I hoped it was a more advanced manual.
and i have a FREE tip
page 65
Q ‘Clients not showing in console
A not enough licenses!
finally my text was submitted to this form…damn that was difficult.
I think it’s not possible to add links inside the text..
I’m trying to get all the exlusions (paths and files) into a text document so that I can copy and paste them into our instalations (shame there’s no import-export facility). They’re all listed in the Visual Guide which I’ve purchased but there’s a block on copying text from that. Would you have a text copy please Wayne or do I just have to go and type them out?
I will contact you later today Andrew.