I’ve spent a bit of time over the last few days finding out how insane Telstra are. Ok – I’m sure many of you will tell me that I should have known that already :-) Basically in December last year I went into the Telstra store and discussed my requirements with the shop assistant. I wanted a 21MB broadband connection that I could use via USB on my current laptop, … [Read more...]
Grrr to Bigpond and usage limits
My home network is on a 50GB plan with Bigpond, and 3 days ago I received notice that I’d hit 40GB for the month. Our month ends on 10th, therefore 10GB left to go for the week. For some reason however we used that 10GB in 3 days. grrr… now we are speed limited to 64kbps. Ok – the solution for me today is to bump the limit – which means 100GB and $129/month … [Read more...]
Your account has been speed limited…
Yes – it’s a message that we here in Australia are all too used to seeing. Most ISPs here offer their broadband in various speed limited / capped plans to rip us off even more. I’m with Telstra Bigpond and my billing cycle starts on 10th of the month. Due to Telstra monopoly over the phone exchanges they are the ONLY ONES that I can use to get DSL2 + here at … [Read more...]