SBS 2011 maybe oh so yesterday and all, but the reality is, you can still sell, install and support the product for a while yet. With that in mind, getting your certification on the 70-169 exam is also very relevant indeed. Let’s make it easier for you to do that by having a giveaway competition. Everyone loves free stuff, so here’s your chance to get a free copy … [Read more...]
Where is all my disk space going?
I’m sure you’ve had clients servers disks fill up on a regular basis right? Here’s a cool tool that is free that you can use to quickly figure out where it’s all gone. TreeSize Free from JAM Software is a free tool, you can download it here but I’ve also paid for the Professional Version for my own systems. As an example – here’s an example of a servers hard drive … [Read more...]
How to troubleshoot Client Connector Install issues on SBS 2011 Essentials
I was helping one of our techs out when he was deploying SBS 2011 Essentials for a client this week. He had a couple of computers that crashed with errors when the Client Connector Installation was going through. I commenced to dig into the log files and also put together a blog post when I hit a problem I didn’t know about. I turned to Google and low and behold, I … [Read more...]
How can I allow more than 5 users to VPN into my SBS 2008 or SBS 2011 Standard server?
By default when the VPN configuration for SBS 2008 and SBS 2011 Standard allows only 5 users to VPN at once. This is often not enough for the larger network environments. The question that comes is “How can I increase VPN to allow more than 5 users”. Fortunately it’s pretty simple. First up, start with configuring VPN via the SBS console. To do that, go … [Read more...]
Why does my server appear under Client Computers on SBS 2008 and SBS 2011 Standard?
This is one I’ve heard a lot before and it’s easy to solve. When you add Desktop or Notebook computers to SBS 2008 and SBS 2011 via the http://connect wizard, they get added in and put by default into the Client Computers OU inside Active Directory. The SBS 2008 and SBS 2011 Standard console displays any computers in that OU under the Client Computers section on the … [Read more...]