Windows Server 2012 Essentials is different from previous versions of SBS as it’s designed to work with 3 different types mail systems. As a result the ports you need to have open on your firewall is also different. If you have a uPnP router then the configuration wizards in Windows Server 2012 Essentials will do the work for you. If you like me elect to disable … [Read more...]
Why won’t my server respond to Ping?
I’ve just finished building a couple of dedicated application servers for a client. One is for IIS and the other is for SQL. I was somewhat confused though that they did not respond to a PING command. A little digging into the firewall on the server showed me that by default the ICMP Response is disabled unless you have enable File and Printer Sharing. … [Read more...]
What inbound ports do I need to open on my firewall for SBS 2011 Essentials?
Small Business Server 2011 Essentials (SBS 2011 Essentials) is a little different from previous versions of SBS that we’ve all come to know and appreciate. SBS 2011 Essentials does not have an on premise mail server, or Sharepoint Companyweb. As a result it requires fewer ports open than SBS 2011 Standard or previous versions of SBS. If you have a uPnP router then … [Read more...]
What inbound ports do I need to open on my firewall for SBS 2011 Standard?
Small Business Server 2011 Standard (SBS 2011 Standard) needs to have a few ports open on your firewall router to allow specific traffic to flow into your SBS 2011 server for proper operation. You can use the uPnP protocol to automatically configure your firewall if you permit it. To do so ensure that uPnP is enabled on your firewall and run the Internet Address … [Read more...]
How to access Windows Activation Server through ISA or TMG Firewalls
Today I had to create a rule in ISA/TMG for a client to allow any computer to get out to the Windows Activation Servers without the user being given access to other websites. It was pretty simple but I thought I’d share with you all. Basically all the rule has to do is to allow HTTP and HTTPS protocols out from All Protected Networks to (this is a referrer … [Read more...]