It seems that just days before the official death of EBS 2008 (June 30, 2010), someone within Microsoft has decided that maybe it’s not so dead after all. I reported back in March, that Microsoft had discontinued EBS 2008, but it seems I may have been wrong… or am I? This blog post posted on June 25, 2010 shows that someone missed the memo about EBS being dead… Further … [Read more...]
EBS 2008 returns on clustered iPads!!!
Embargoed until 12:00am, April 1st, 2010 It gives me great pleasure to announce that today, EBS 2008 will be re-released as a new product called iEBS2008. We now understand the real reason for the announcement a few weeks back was that Microsoft were indeed reengineering EBS 2008 to take advantage of some amazing technology that they were secretly working on in the back rooms … [Read more...]
New SMB Comic Strip
You know - it all gets too serious at times, this IT stuff. It's great though when someone can take the time to have a laugh at the industry :-) Fellow SBS MVP Tim Barrett has started a comic strip focused on our end of town... his first instalment is here - I thought this was particularl funny after the cancellation of EBS and my blogs on ithere, here and here over the last … [Read more...]
EBS 2008 is dead – Post Mortem time
I spent some time this last week being very angry and upset over Microsoft's decision to kill the EBS 2008 and future mid market product based on it. It's now a week later and I've got to say I'm really surprised at the lack of response from other resellers on this topic. I'm also somewhat surprised at some of the comments and in particular who they come from on my … [Read more...]
EBS 2008 is dead – long live EBS.
With the news on Friday that Microsoft have cancelled EBS 2008, it gives me pause to think. Let's look at this from an alternate perspective. This is now the 2nd time in 10 years that Microsoft has decided to leave the Medium business market without a clear vision for direction. The last was back in 2001 when Microsoft killed the BackOffice product line which was focused … [Read more...]