I’ve been busy this last week, finalising all the arrangements for the cancellation of the SMBFocus conference that I had planned for November here in Sydney. From the fallout from that however comes something really good and exciting.
Trend Micro Australia in conjunction with SBSfaq.com are please to announce the first ever Australian SMB Security Summit. This event will be a community focused event, and whilst largely supported financially by TrendMicro will be all about how we look at security solutions for our customers, how we spec them, how we build a business to sell them and how we implement them. We are fortunate to have a number of MVPs still coming (left over from the SMBFocus Conference event) and given they had a natural talent for security, we thought it would be a great idea to hold an event like this.
The event will be held on Friday 23rd November and will be a FREE event yes thats right FREE.
So all those of you who still have flights booked to come to Sydney, come on down! There now a great reason (and it’s business so it’s tax deductible) to come to Sydney in November.
More details and registration are available here http://events.sbsfaq.com
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