This became available via the WSUS patch management in SBS 2008 overnight. It’s KB 2279665 in another name or Update Rollup 1 for Exchange 2007 Service Pack 3. The KB lists a stack of features that are resolved with this rollup
You’ll only see this in your SBS Security console however if you have already applied Exchange 2007 Service Pack 3 yourself. Basically this is a rollup of all patches since Exchange 2007 Service Pack 3 was released. You can download the rollup 1 manually here if you want to or just approve it for installation on your SBS 2008 console via the Security tab.
Installation for me went through without any problems. Following installation I did a server reboot as I do when I install patches, regardless if it needs it or not – that way I know for sure that the server comes up after any patches cleanly.
The only known issue so far is that if you use remote file access via OWA then it’s still broken (got broke with SP3). This will be resolved when Update Rollup 2 for Exchange 2007 Service Pack 3 is released in the future (no idea when that is). If you use that feature then don’t install this just yet.
Christian says
Did you try this fix?
Known issues that may occur after you install Exchange Server 2007 SP3
After you install Exchange Server 2007 SP3, you may be unable to access the following Web sites:
Note This issue occurs only if the Internet Address Management wizard has not already been run on the computer.
To resolve this issue, edit the bindings for the SBS Web Applications site to select the correct certificate. To do this, follow these steps:
Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
Expand server_name.
Note The server_name placeholder represents the name of the server.
Expand Web Sites.
Right-click SBS Web Applications, and then click Edit Bindings.
Click HTTPs port 443, and then click Edit.
Under SSL certificate, select the Sites certificate.
Des says
tried it, still can’t connect to OWA. fortunatly had made an image -now restored. I’ll await the ‘rollup 2’ before trying again.
I’m new to Exchange, so cannot offer much guidance to others….sorry