Microsoft you are really confusing people right now. SBS 2003 has always supported up to 75 users or devices. SBS 2008 ALSO supports up to 75 users or devices, HOWEVER you are telling people that it’s designed for up to 50 users or devices when it’s not. I know that you’re trying to say that 50 is the ideal spot for SBS 2008, but you are about to create the same myths that you are trying to get Tom the SBS Guru to clear up. Don’t make it hard for yourselves guys. Fix your marketing and fix it now! Below are two bits from Microsoft. The first one is from their web site and the second is from slides they have used at some of the Heroes Happen launch. Note that SBS supports 50 in one and 75 in the other. Also note that EBS (Essentials Business Server) supports 250 in one and 300 in the other.
This campaign must be controlled by the same VISTA Ready Marketing people…
You’d think after current Events they would learn, not to say things that aren’t’ true?
Thanks for the Correct info…
Although it still would be nice for something in writing on the Microsoft’s Site?