Last night, I was fortunate to be able to help start the Perth SMB IT Professionals Group here in Perth. Thanks to Ingram Micro for allowing us to use their boardroom as a home for the group over the next few months. We had a great start to the group with 26 people in attendance and we discussed what the group could offer to everyone involved, they got Perths first live demo of SBS 2008, and local spyware crusader Sandi Hardmeirer scared the pants of people with some very relevant malware demonstrations that will affect all of our customers at some point or other. Thanks Sandi.. my laptop will never be the same again 🙂
The group has decided that they will meet next month on the last Tuesday of the month (July 29th) at 6:00pm at Ingram Micros offices at
We had 6 people stand up at volunteer to be part of the group that will help formulate what this group is all about and what direction it will take from there. Fantastic! I wish it had been this easy 7 years ago when I started the Sydney group 🙂
Thanks to Robbie Upcroft (Microsoft Australias WHS/SBS/EBS/SBSC Product Manager) for supplying Pizza and drink for the night.
Want to know more about the Perth group – email me [email protected] and I’ll make sure I link you up with the right people.
Great meeting guys – and congratulations on the birth of a new vibrant community!
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