Next week, Microsoft Technical Product Manager, Nicholas King will make a visit through the Eastern capitals of Australia. Nick is actually a Kiwi (but we won t hold that against him) normally based in Microsoft Redmond campus and he s responsible for all the technical training / information that the SBS and EBS teams produce. As part of his visit here in Australia, we ve managed to get him to visit Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney and conduct an open session for the SBSC and SMB IT Professional community and an hour or so of training I picked migration as the topic everyone seems to be asking me about right now, but Nick can talk on any level.
Venues/Dates/Times are below so make sure you respond to the various polls in the relevant usergroup list.
Brisbane – Monday February 16th
Microsoft Offices 6pm
Melbourne – Tuesday February 17th
Microsoft Offices 6pm
Sydney – Wednesday February 18th
Microsoft North Ryde 6pm
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