A fellow MVP Kathleen Anderson has reminded me of a spoof video that Microsoft did a few years back for an MVP summit. The video suggests that the instant you become an MVP that you’ll have hordes of loyal followers, beautiful women throwing themselves at your feet and you become invincible. If only it were true! In reality, becoming an MVP often means that you have a target painted on your back as people try to take you down a peg or two in the belief that you might think your better than everyone else. I’m here to tell you that from my perspective anyway, being an MVP is at times a curse as much as a reward. Imagine you’ve been shown a glimpse of technology that is 3 years ahead of its time, and your not allowed to discuss it with fellow workmates. Imagine the long hours spent beta testing the latest things from Microsoft for zero pay. Imagine the lost time with family as they wonder just what the heck has gotten into you that you want to spend MORE time in front of that #$%#$%#$ computer.
Still it’s not all bad. You get to meet some great people from all over the globe, and really discuss things that can affect the long term direction of the product. But as I said it’s not all it’s made out to be.
This is where YOU have it WRONG!!!!
You don’t beome an MVP! You are given the MVP Award for commuity contribution. It isn’t a badge you wear on your sleeve to say “I am good – I get to test stuff nobody else has seen and poor old me can’t even share it”.
There is nothing about people thinkig anyoen is better than anyone else neither from the public or the awardee.
The sooner people like YOU start to realise what the MVP Award is really about the sooner the program can clear out its egomaniacs.
It would appear that my comments have been taken to heart by the above poster. Sure – I know what an MVP is all about – I’ve been awarded for the past 6 or 7 years now – I’ve lost count. I realise it’s all about community contributions, thats why I’ve spent countless hours of my own time working on community issues, in various forums, lists and usergroups. In some respect that too is an issue, as I’ve been more invested in the community at times than my own personal or business life which is not so good.
Reading it again this morning I realise that that fact does not quite come across right – so much for posting late at night after a hard weekend 🙂