Mark O’Shea is the one to blame. He’s the one to blame for getting me involved with Microsoft Australia just on 10 years ago now. I thank him very much for this as it’s been a wild ride and there’s more to come. Mark was the man back in the SBS2000 days that handled all the SBS questions from the reseller and it was him that helped to put a face on the SMB Technology side of things for many of us. He was the one that got me involved in doing my first ever presentations on SBS which was in Adelaide and it was focused around doing what I was working on then (now known as a Swing Migration) from SBS 4.5 over to SBS 2000. I was unique in that I was doing these when other resellers didn’t know how to… so Mark took me to task and we did a roadshow to help other resellers understand. Therefore it’s all his fault :-) Thanks Mark 🙂
Anyway – after a long absence, Mark is back in the saddle and now has the role of SMB Partner Technology Advisor within Microsoft Australia. He’s also started a blog and I recommend you all get into it as I know there will be gems of information there for all to learn from. His blog is here
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