I was invited to attend the inaugural CRN Awards here in Sydney last Friday night as a guest of Trend Micro. This is their first awards ceremony here in Australia but their UK and USA counterparts have been doing them for many years. As part of the awards, they had two Channel Champions, one from the Vendor / Distributor channel and another from the Reseller channel. The nomination and selection process for these is somewhat secretive but involved contributions from multiple vendors and distributors. I had no idea that my name was nominated for the reseller award.
Helen Frost (CRN Editor) was working through the awards and started to read out the list of accomplishments for the Reseller Channel Champion and I listened intently and at some point I had the “oh shit” moment as I realised that it was me. Just then she said my name I was dumb struck really as I had no idea that I was even in the running for it let alone the recipient of the award. So it appears now that my name will go into the CRN Global Hall of Fame along side people like Bill Gates (Microsoft), Steve Jobs (Apple) and Gordon Moore (Inventor of the Microprocessor). I really, really don’t know that my name should be up there.
I really need to thank my wife and my family too without their support, I would not be able to do what I do for the community.
Thank you Helen and the team at CRN for the compliment and award.
Photos are up here’s one of me I still don’t like my photos ?
Well Wayne never let it be said that I disagreed with you in public. You are definitely not worthy 🙂 Still and all, congratulations on this quite spectacular honour… just make sure that Ken gets his fair due as well!
I’m not sure what’s involved to receive this award Wayne, but I do know based on the support you’ve shown the SBS community in the 4+ years I’ve been a part of it, that your same level of dedication and support is no doubt there in your other endeavors as well. While we have never worked together on a project and I’ve never been to Australia, the work you’ve done in the SBS community, the articles you’ve written and your involvement in the various newsgroups has certainly had a positive impact on my quest to be a successful SBS consultant.
Thanks for everything you do and congratulations on the award. I know it was well deserved.
Top stuff Wayne & thoroughly deserved for your years of passion & support not just around SBS, but for the community as a whole.
Cheers & see you in a few weeks,