1. Autoupdate on the server. You need to change the autoupdate service to use an account that can access the Cheyenne FTP server through proxy. I chose to use the Administrator account. This now works fine. I did not need to disable Access Control on the Winsock proxy server.
2. Download ll0135.zip (avupdate) fromftp.cai.com in the /pub/Inoculan directory, and unzip to the Update directory (under Inoculan) on your server. You need to rename the file avupdate.NT to avupdate.ini. Read the readme file for full details.
3. Add the following to the users login script (with your own specific paths etc.):
@echo off
REM Sample Windows NT Login Script for AVUpdate
REM Please replace “
REM the NT Server designated as you update server.
If “%OS%” == “Windows_NT” goto skip
If NOT “%WINBOOTDIR%” == “” goto 95
echo Running AVupdate using WIN3x syntax
net use v: \
net use v: /d
goto skip
REM Run AVupdate using WIN95 syntax
echo Running using WIN95 syntax
4. The installation hint. On our installation the software did not appear in the Add Software to
Computer Wizard. I had to change the properties of the files:
…so that they weren’t Read Only. Once this had been done I then had to re-install the Anti-Virus server. This time the software does appear.
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