When you perform the initial installation of SBS2000, you get to choose the location and size of the ISA Server cache. There is no wizard in SBS to change these post-installation. The following procedure will allow you to manually change the location and size of these files which can improve performance of your ISA server if you access a large number of pages from the ISA Server cache.
1. Run the SBS Administrators Console
2. Expand the Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000 node on the tree.
3. Expand Servers and Arrays node
4. Expand the Server node
5. Expand the Cache Configuration node
6. Expand the Drives node
7. On the right hand pane you will see your server name along with the total amount of space dedicated to ISA Server caching on the whole server.
8. Right click on the Server name and select Properties
9. Here you can select a drive to put the ISA server cache files on and specify a size for the files on that drive. You need to press the Set button after each entry. You can split the ISA cache files across multiple drives, but you have no real control over what content goes into which drive cache, so the only real benefit here is to give yourself more space for ISA cache in a tightly packed system. After you set the size, then press OK to make the changes complete.
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