With the release of Windows 10, Microsoft have needed to provide updates for older versions of SBS to make it work properly. Adding Windows 10 to an SBS 2008, SBS 2011 network or Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials itself is pretty simple. Here’s links to the Third Tier blog where you can see specific instructions on how to get Windows 10 working with these now defunct versions of SBS.
Adding Windows 10 to SBS 2011 Essentials
Adding Windows 10 to Windows Server 2012 Essentials
Adding Windows 10 to Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials
SBS might be dead, but it’s still very much alive in oh so many business environments!
Links to content on thirdtier.net are dead (July 2017)
Hi Dave – thanks for this – I’ve fixed the links now. Hope that helps.