Modify the template.bat file located in the c:\smallbusiness\clients\templates directory to include and drive mappings you require etc. Make sure you make a backup copy of the template.bat once you have modified it as any upgrades or reinstallations will overwrite it. A suggested modification could be as follows:
@echo off
net time < \\server> /set /yes
net use f:\\server\company
net use g:\\server\%SBSUser%
net use h:\\server\apps
net use r:\\server\cdrom
The %SBSUser% variable is replaced by the SBS user wizard (during new user creation) with the users logon name and therefore gives the user a drive mapped to their individual user home directory. I normally install shared applications (accounting systems etc) on a separate drive from the company files to make security easier to manage. I also normally share the servers cdrom drive for use by all users.
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