I use TrendMicros InterScan Messaging Hosted Security service as part of Worry-Free Business Security Advanced to provide front line SPAM and Malware detection to all mail coming into my family domain and to the sbsfaq.com domain. I’ve been using it for nearly 12 months now. In order to test the effectiveness of a SPAM solution, I’ve got a mailbox configured with old / defunct email addresses that I no longer use. Email addresses of [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected] collect nothing but SPAM. Below you can see the last 10 days of email to these email addresses. They comprise of the daily SPAM reports from Trend and you will notice that only 2 pieces of SPAM made it through. I’m finding that their detection rate simply rocks with the IMHS service. I’m not seeing any of the UPS SPAM Mail that many are getting in the recent weeks. If you have WFBS 5.0 Advanced then you can use the IMHS service as part of your subscription and it really really helps reduce the crud that comes in via email.
john.jones.name says
it would be nice if you could check the SPF records as well…
this like hotmail operate would mean less spam without putting trend in your MS exchange filters…
John Jones