If you like me totally forgot about it then you might notice that your appointments on your Windows Mobile device are out by an hour today vs what you have in your Outlook Calendar. I m based in Sydney, Australia and Daylight savings was modified last year to end on the First Saturday in April it used to be the last Saturday of March. This simple change means that unless you know about it and have updated all your Windows based computers, servers, mobile devices and Outlook that you will have your appointments occuring 1 hour different this week.
For me I ve already done my servers, computers and outlook, but forgot my Windows Mobile Device. Here s the link to update your Windows Mobile device.
Mark Kofahl says
I heard that the reason it was extended in NSW to 1st weekend of April is to re-align with Melbourne, who in turn extended to allow the Grand Prix to run at twilight…. I know Bernie is powerful, but that’s powerful!