I work way too much. There I said it. Now I just need to do something about it. We all think we work too much, and many of us do. 6 months back now I started to try to understand how much I worked and what I spent my time on. I’m using a program called RescueTime to track my time spent on the computer. The last few months have been insane with workload and other things in my personal life going on and I reviewed the reports tonight to find that I’m seriously spending far too much time working and not enough off the computer enjoying life. Last week alone (7 days) I “worked” 119 hours – that’s an average of 17 hours a day… any wonder I’m tired. Check out the graph below which shows my weekly times.
To me the interesting thing on the graph is the way my time is now more focused on work. You can see in the early days of using this program the amount of Very Distracting time is quite high but I’ve learnt to push that time into the blue side of the scale now and make it more productive.
Personally – I think one of my biggest challenges is that I get distracted too easily. In fact my mother was cleaning out and she found my high school report cards last weekend. It was interesting to see the comments on them “Wayne is very easily distracted in class…” and “Wayne can work industriously but is often distracted…” Good to see I’ve been consistent over the last 30+ years at least if nothing else.
So my New Years Resolutions are…
1. Reduce the time by 40% within 4 months or else.
2. Focus, focus, focus on the things I need to do to make things happen and get it done.
My mother always says “If you put your mind to it, you can do anything you want…” and I know it’s true. So I need to really put my mind to it to make it happen.
What’s your New Years Resolutions? Are you planning to change how you do things next year?
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